This week for Mindlab we focused on two different areas; 3D modelling and printing, and Leadership.
What an eye opener for me about the 3D and 4D! modelling and printing. WOW. I've known about 3D modelling and printing for sometime now and can see many practical and exciting prospects for using this technology in the classroom.
At my school we don't have a 3D printer at our end of the school but I believe there are a couple at the senior end. Do we use them though? - no. Could we? - I am not sure...
Having a look at one of the videos from course material, the presenter from suggested that although schools have 3D printing technologies, many of the printers have ended up being dust collectors because teachers don't know how to use them. This comment struck a chord with me, as I think it is a real challenge for the average teacher when implementing most technology really. Change and innovation happens so quickly!
How do we allow both teachers and students to become confident and adept uses of these innovative technologies, so they don't become ornaments?
I think that the answer lies, in part, down to beliefs about learning and how learning happens. I personally can see quite a change in my thinking here and those constructivist and constructionist theories are starting to really take hold in my thought process. Although I didn't think I had subscribed to the idea that teachers should know 'everything' about x,y and z, the reality of what happens in the classroom (and in my classroom too) and the whole idea of being able to learn through learning activities and challenges, is actually quite hard for teachers to do. God forbid we look like we don't know the answer, have the solution or make everything tidy and neat at the conclusion of a lesson. What chaos could erupt from there?
I can think of many a lesson where technology has not worked smoothly (to be honest that's nearly every lesson) and how I feel when this occurs. Usually inwardly panicked and outwardly annoyed! Thinking about what teaching and education is, and how these technologies get pushed aside because teachers don't feel confident in using them, is a real shame for our students. Making mistakes, not knowing the answers is such an important part of the learning process. Learning is not a smooth, flow chart type process at all. It's messy and has an array of tangents. Learning through the struggle, struggling together, now that's education.
So lesson to self: you don't (no, really you don't) have to have all the answers or the secret key that holds the 'truth'. 😇
I loved the 4D printing technologies I was exposed to in the 4D Printing: the Future of Design . This youtube clip was phenomenal. In case you are unsure of this, the video describes 4D printing as being a way of printing self re-configuring and programming material. Essentially an object that can change and adapt itself over time. Pretty amazing stuff. We were asked to reflect on how we could use this in the classroom and to be honest we couldn't necessarily think of any amazing answers. The future though, is an open book and what students may be able to do with this technology is yet to be discovered.
If you haven't seen Joseph DeSimone's Ted talk about 3D printing you should. It is awesome in the traditional sense of the word. 3D printing that isn't augmented 2D printing but in fact a multi composite, growing type printing that is up to 100 times faster than the 3D printing technologies we have now. MIND BLOWN! How cool and practical would that type of technology be in a school.
However, there another point of view about 3D printing and these technologies that I want to briefly mention. One person in class brought up how environmentally irresponsible it is to print off all these 'objects' etc and I have to agree with her. In my opinion we do live in a throw away society where value isn't always put on things that could be reused or recycled. I am so guilty of that myself. I think though (hopefully) that as the technology grows through its infancy stages that we should be able to adapt the materials we use, to be environmentally safe. Adding that component in is important to all technology uses and lessons I think.