I thought I'd complete a list of the things I have learned/learnt since last week's post:
- Learned and learnt. I thought 'learned' was the past tense English form of the verb learn. I am wrong 😊. Learned, it appears, is the US version- shame on me 😎
- I am struggling at times to see the connection between applications/programmes/tools such as scratch and makey makey and how I can use these purposefully in my classroom. During last week's session we were asked to work in groups to create something with the Makey Makey's and scratch coding progamme. Although the actual playing around with these tools wasn't necessarily the purpose of the task, I can't help but see these things as gimmicky. I am finding it very hard to see their usefulness. Of course I want to; I can see the value and strength that comes from students learning coding- the problem solving, the future application of this knowledge, the possibilities it can create. BUT... I think my problem is in the integration of these tools into a functioning classroom with year 8 students who can use these tools authentically for a purpose or task. I am sure this gap will be bridged over the coming weeks (or someone will surely let me in on the secret... 😈).
- Digital technologies are fraught with danger haha! Those who endeavor to use these tools are courageous in the face of uncertain success. I know that this is what I am learning BIG time; How to keep going, have a good sense of humour and problem solve through the unintended landmines that appear from nowhere when using technology in new ways. Trying to record our Digitial 1 assignment was its own comedy. For some reason both the microphones in our laptops decided that it would be fun to play a game with Holly and I as we were 'trying' to screencast our final presentation. Haha! both our computers said. Let's record one voice only when these humans are trying to share their ideas- that will be funny! Watch those silly girls try and figure out what's going on. Then, how about adding in the roller coaster effect- more joy and hilarity. How about adding in an echo effect or just plain, not record at all?
We are flexible, persistent learners .
We ended up using the 'Explain Everything' app on the iPad (which has inadvertently sucked me into the black hole of internet searching tangents, about which is the best screen sharing app to use?).
My thought process follows:
What else is there out there?
Ohh what does this one do?
Oh, pretty animations/drawings/flashing lights/bells and whistles
Oh I'll down load that
Ohhhh! Um what does it do?
(seven hours later...)
Oh too confusing, I think I'll stick with what I've got.
But in all seriousness I am loving the Clips app at the moment (iPad) , Screencastify (chrome ext) ((when it works)), Explain Everything (iPad) and Powtoon (comp).
So here's our finished assignment. It is long! I hope we've covered all of the things required. We really did delve into the theories to justify our choices but I am still a bit unsure if we truly are on the right track. Well, we'll just have to wait and see!😝
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